Saturday, September 5, 2009

Armani Cafe

While walking in SF today I noticed a banner saying "Armani Cafe," with a line of tables onside, to which I thought, a cafe of a high end luxury clothing brand? I immediately got curious about what the cafe might be like, what the interior and overall design and menu of the cafe would look like as extensions of the Armani brand. When I went in I was surprised to see a bar in the middle of a clothing store, with the cafe seating upstairs. My friend and I pondered, why put the bar in the middle of the store, where all the food particles might get onto the clothing? After thinking about it it does seem like a good strategy to have the bar on the bottom floor to draw in potential Armani customers not intending to buy their clothing (drawing in more people to see Armani's merchandise during the day and as well as increase brand awareness among people who may be future customers). And having the clothing surround the customers while they eat makes it easier for the customers to see or admire the merchandise. Now I wonder what an Armani (or any other brand) cafe would look like without the actual clothing as its focus, but rather its brand essence design experience.